Monday, July 22, 2024

Switch Grass Shenandoah

Name:   Switch Grass
Variety:  Shenandoah
Type: perennial grass
Height: 3 ft
Sun: Full Sun
Flower color:  None
Bloom Time:  none
Fragrance:  none
Location:  planted south side at the east end of the garage
care:  fertilize monthly with bloom booster.  cut down to ground in fall

Purchased at Arbor Farms.  It was cropped.

Summer Sweet

Name: clethra alnifolia
Variety:  Ruby Spice
Type:  Shrub
Height:  6' x 6'
Zone: 3
Sun:  Partial Sun to Shade
Flower Color: light pink
Bloom Time: late summer
Fragrance:  yes
Location:  se back yard border north of vibernum
Care:  Fertilize with spikes in spring.   Dead head early spring.

Purchased at English Gardens

Monday, June 24, 2024


 1 pack yellow onions --Sells
1 Sweet 100 --Sells
1 grape tomato--Zwicki
1 large tomato glamour--zwicki
4 early girls --zwicki
+ 4 paper pots from our seeds

8 california wonder, green pepper--zwicki
4 zucchini--zwicki
4 red cabbage--zwicki--failed
4 red romain--swicki
4 celery--zwicki
1 cilantro--zwicki

gutter garden with black seed lettuce
10 snow peas
12 red onions
2 cucumbers
5 swiss chard
2 brussell sprouts
couple dill seeds 
3 long beans
6 green beans
2 rows medium long carrots
gutter garden bunching onions

Planted 2 pots marigolds around the green beans, 1 pot plus onions around the swiss chard, 2 pots plus pack of 4 around in front of the north side lot.   

Red Hot Poker


Name:  Kniphofia 
Variety:  Red Hot Poker Pyromania Hot and Cold
Type:  Perennial
Height:  36"
Sun:  sun
Flower:  varigated white to orange
Bloom:  early to mid summer
Fragrance:  no
Care:   Mulch in fall  Zone 5b.  Fertilize weekly in summer.  Dead head spent blooms

Friday, May 24, 2024

Geranium Bloodred Max Frei

 Geranium Bloodred Max Frei 

Name: Geranium sanguineum
Variety:  blood red max frei
Type:  perennial
Height:  6"
Zone: 4
Sun:  full sun
Flower Color: light to dark pink
Bloom Time: summer
Fragrance:  no
Location:  west side perennial garden middle between balloon flowers and sedum 
Care:  liquid fertilize weekly in summer.   cut to ground winter

Purchased Abbotts nursery

Two Toned Iris


Name: Iris
Variety: Iris
Color: light purple and dark purple flowers
Type: Perennial
Height: 3-4'
Sun: Full sun

Bloom Time: Late May
Location:  Back of perennial garden by garden north of light purple iris
Care:   Fertilize with liquid feed weekly.  Dead head when blooms are spent. Cut down in fall.

We purchased this from a liquor store that had irises in their parking lot.  Dug it up, planted in spring and it came again the next year.

Clematis Bee's Jubilee


Clematis Bee's Jubilee

Name:  Clematis
Variety:  Bee's Jubilee
Type:  Vine
Height:  10'
Zone: 4
Sun:  Partial Sun to Shade
Flower Color: fushia with dark fushia stripe
Bloom Time: summer
Fragrance:  no
Location:  lattice on deck south side  
Care:  Dead head as needed during bloom.   Fertilize monthly with liquid fertilizer.  Cut back to 12" from ground in fall.

Purchased at English Garden