Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pictures from the Garden

The impatients are bigger and better than ever this year.

The dogwood is covered with these little red balls on a stick. We think they must be a kind of berry, but never seen anything like it. They have been there all summer but are now turning red. It's really quite interesting.

And lastly the Julia Child rose bush has survived and thrived the summer. It is in much better shape than last year and I have hopes they will get even better next year. This is why I love roses. They bloom and bloom and then bloom again--all summer long. They really are the queen of the garden.

Weekly Report

Things are starting to die back now. It has been hot and humid and everything is looking old. However, the mums are starting to bloom. I look forward to a good show.

In the back the roses still have lots of buds and are blooming. I do love roses. Although they are work, they are a jewel. I just wish I had more room for them.

We have harvested one c antelope from the garden. It was large, juicy and tasty.

And lastly the waterfall is up and running. Now for countless hours of fun sculpting and planting. It will be spring before it is finished landscaping.