Friday, July 30, 2010


We've received several thunderstorms in the past two weeks. The lawns are looking much better and we haven't had to water--thank heavens.

The garden is still producing with a few tomatoes ripening now.

The butterfly bush is still in bloom as are the black-eyed susans. I've dead-headed the balloon flowers. We had a storm come through that pounded the roses. I've pruned them and hopefully will get a few more blossoms this year. No signs of hydrangea flowers yet although the plants are healthy. The large hostas still have blossoms.

The althea is in bloom although not completely. There are still a lot of buds.

The campanulas are still in bloom but everything else has been dead headed. I want to really thin the daisies next year and put a row of chrysanthemums behind them. We are also digging up the veronicas and planting lillium next year in that area. The spirea have lots a new growth and maybe we'll get a get smaller blossoming.

That storm had 60 mph winds and blew over the dogwood tree. Wayne ran out in the rain and pushed it back in the ground and staked it out. So far it is surviving.

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