Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring At Last

Last night was so gorgeous so we took a walk around the yard and also did some work.

WEST:  Daffodills and Day Lilies are up.   The moss phlox is recovering and there are tiny signs of mums.
SOUTH:  Tulips are all up.   We cut down the cat mint.   The buds on the lilac bush has some green.  There are large fuzzy buds on the pear trees.
EAST:  The waterfall sustained some damage.   One rock around the pond was completely destroyed and several others has pieces broken off.   We will have to replace that one rock.  The iris are up.   Most of the other plants still seem a bit dead.  There are buds on the burning bush that we transplanted from the northside to the eastside.  They will make the transition.  We uncovered the roses.  There are buds on the Julia Child.  The other three bushes are dormant but still have green on them.
We uncovered the small burning bush that we transplanted on the east side.  They need mulch and dirt around them.  However, they also have buds and sustained no damage from the winter.  
The bleeding heart is up and the forsythia have buds.
We untied the arborvitae.  One on the south of the stairs has winter damage.  They all need to be pruned.

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