Friday, June 29, 2012

Extremely Hot Weather

The temperatures rose to 102 yesterday.   Everything is look good despite the weather except the new viburnam.  We still have our doubts it will make it through the year.  After dark we went out to water the pots.  Some of them were quite dry.

In the front the daisies are in bloom and the calalily is blooming too.  All the annuals are doing better.  The big day lily is about ready to bloom.   It will add some color to the yard.

In the back the brand new lupine has one huge stem on it with flowers.   When it is fully flowered we will take a picture.   Hostas on the north are in bloom--looking great.   The balloon flowers are in bloom in the perennial garden along with the lavender.  It makes a nice spot of color.   Some delphiniums are blooming and scabioso, but they are very small still.   I don't expect them to mature until next year.  Roses--Livin Easy, QE2, Julia Child.   The Wild Blue Yonder has new growth.   Also the JFK has new growth, but been a dissappointment as far as flowers are concerned.   The red dianthus has buds.

We had a problem with geese invading our back yard.   On Wednesday we picked up many droppings and ended up with a big pile.   All the grass around the pond is very dry and so they are hunting for better spots.  Up until now we have not had problems.  A big dog would be the best deterant but really costly.    The geese do not like walking over rocks or between shrubs where animals might hide.  They also need a large flight path to get those big bodies off the ground.  So keeping them out means cutting off their walking path since we have rocks and shrubs everywhere else.   We put up chairs along between the dogwood and the arbor.   That was not distrubed.  We may look into putting a fish line fence along our property to keep them out. 

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