Sunday, June 7, 2015

New Perennial Purchases

The peonies we transplanted from Wayne and Rebecca's were doing poorly.  The ground is just too wet, so we purchased a couple more big plants, and then moved the struggling plant to the south side.  Hopeful it will grow and mature there.

We dug up more soil and amended and amended and dug and mounded then mulched.
In place we planted these two:
Paeonia Duches De Nedurs--in white
Paeonia Felix Crousse--red.  Let's hope they surive

Ice Plants
I purchased these to go in the perennial garden, but then decide they might work in the waterfall area in the rocks.  We are still struggling to keep plants growing in that area.

Delosperma Cooperi --Vibrant flowers make an impressive display against succulent, gray-green foliage. An exceptional plant for dry, poor soils, it can be used as ground cover, in the rock garden, or as an edging in the perennial garden. Spreads quickly but not aggressively.  Full sun, ground cover.   Looks like a winner.

I'm trying more hardy geraniums.   This one is Rozanne Crainsbill.  We planted this south of the roses.

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