Monday, March 31, 2008

Warm Rain

It rained enough in the night to melt most of the snow. Everything around the yard is gone although there are still piles of snow in the church parking lot. This week temperatures should be in the 40s. It's time to think about crab grass control.

Friday, March 28, 2008

More Snow

It snowed about 3 more inches in the night. However, the weather is sunny and bright today. Hopefully the snow will melt before late afternoon.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

It Is Spring Yet?

We've had a very loooonnng hard winter--the most snowfall since 1880. There are a few signs from the garden. The lilac buds are swollen and Wayne has seen the tips of the new tulips on the south side of the house. Temperatures are still quite low.