Sunday, September 14, 2008

End of Season

We cleaned out the cantelope and cucumbers. We also cleaned up the deck boxes on the deck and the urns on the front porch. Things are looking rather spent now. Saturday we had a huge rain storm. The pond is filled up to the 1st pine tree. We look forward to doing some more work out there.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Fall is Here

We had a very, very dry summer. The fields were yellow and we had a struggle keeping the lawn green. However, we've had rain in the past couple of days...not a light rain, but a good drenching. Temperatures are cool. It's time to clean the cucumbers, cantelopes (only got one edible one) basil and onions out of the garden. We still have tomatoes ripening and peppers growing.

The black-eyed susans finally faded. Everything is pretty much gone. The ornimental grass in the front yard looks nice and we got another bloom of day lilies. It's time to do some reworking of the yard and some moving of plants.