Monday, November 28, 2011

More Transplanting.

We've moved the purple iris to the waterfall as well as the ruby dianthus and some of the mother of thyme. We took the astilbe to Bowling Green as well as some black eyed susan. We also moved one of the hostas to the waterfall.

Other plants are lavendar iris, chives and garlic chives all moved to the waterfall. After all that we will see next spring what else we need to plant on the waterfall.

Last Saturday Wayne moved the small euonymous to the fence and the large euonymous to the south side of the gated arbor. They will look much better there and the smaller plants can grow in. It took him two tries to do it though as he moved the spirea instead of the euonymous.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


On Monday we planted the Star Gazers in the back yard perennial garden. We also moved a coreopsis to the waterfall and a chunk of cheddar pink dianthus. Then we moved the day lily on the south side to the waterfall. Wayne cut a chunk of the ornamental grass from the front of the house and put that in the waterfall area.

On Tuesday we moved one chunk of mother of thyme to the waterfall and two pieces of the moss phlox.

We had rain, but the weather has been very mild and really great for getting out and moving plants around.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fall Report

All the perennials have been taken down in the front except for the mums. They are still looking fairly good. We'll have to remove those later. The spirea are a wonderful orange. The pear trees are turning red and the barberry have turned scarlet. We dug up some daisies to take to Bowling Green and we dug up all the Star Gazer lilies to move to the back.

Along the north side the grass is still green so that hasn't been cut yet.

In back we dug up a chunk of bleeding heart for Bowling Green along with some candy tuft. We cut down the lily of the valley and dug up some of the columbine. We also dug up part of the large hosta that was too crowded. That will also go to Bowling Green.

From the sun perennial garden we moved the coreopsis to the waterfall and a chunk of the cheddar pink dianthus. We cut down the iris and dug a chunk out for Bowling Green.

The one real surprise of the day was the QE2 rose. It is still in bloom. Evidently, this bush has been bred for cool weather in the English country side. We have had many heavy frosts and still not only is it in leaf, but has wonderful pink blossoms. This was taken near mid day and you can see how far the sun is to the south by the long shadows. What a wonderful surprise!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fall in the Garden

The Red Bud tree has lost all it's leaves. The burning bush is red as well as the spirea in back. They survived the summer although not in great shape.

The honey suckle are still in bloom as well as the clematis. We have one pink QE2 rose.

Wayne has dug up the butterfly bush for replacement next year. The hostas are yellow and he is trimming those to the ground.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Variety: Dendranthema x grandiflorum tabitha scarlet
Type: Perennial
Size: 12-18" x 18-24"
Color: scarlet red
Light: Full sun
Bloom time: Early October
Fragrance:  None
Plant Location:  Front of house in front of arborvitae

These are brilliant and wonderful. I purchased three plants, but the third has not done very well. I think the soil is not as good. We fertilized these all summer long. We will mulch heavy in the fall for survival.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fall is Coming

The garden is dying out. Our burning bush are turning red, and lots of other things are turing yellow and dying. We emptied out all the pots on the lower deck. The clematis still have a few blooms as well as the Halls Honeysuckle.

The waterfall is now finished and the lighting is almost in place. We still have more rocks around the outside and the plants to put in.

In the front yard, the mums are now in bloom.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pictures from the Garden

The impatients are bigger and better than ever this year.

The dogwood is covered with these little red balls on a stick. We think they must be a kind of berry, but never seen anything like it. They have been there all summer but are now turning red. It's really quite interesting.

And lastly the Julia Child rose bush has survived and thrived the summer. It is in much better shape than last year and I have hopes they will get even better next year. This is why I love roses. They bloom and bloom and then bloom again--all summer long. They really are the queen of the garden.

Weekly Report

Things are starting to die back now. It has been hot and humid and everything is looking old. However, the mums are starting to bloom. I look forward to a good show.

In the back the roses still have lots of buds and are blooming. I do love roses. Although they are work, they are a jewel. I just wish I had more room for them.

We have harvested one c antelope from the garden. It was large, juicy and tasty.

And lastly the waterfall is up and running. Now for countless hours of fun sculpting and planting. It will be spring before it is finished landscaping.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Weekly Report

In the front: The campanulas are in bloom. The spirea had a small second bloom and there are a few yellow day lilies.

On the south: the shrub althea is still in bloom. It's a wonderful summer bush

In the back: The trumpet vine continues to be a good bloomer, the blackeyed susans are in bloom, the hals honeysuckle had a second bloom as the did the polish spirit clematis. The roses are on their third bloom. Roses are such great bloomers. I think that I have saved the Julia Child, it is doing fine, but I am not certain about the QE2.

I think I have lost two peonies. These are hardy plants and the other side of the grass does really great. I am not certain what is wrong with them, but the ones on the south side of the grass path are dead.

We continue to work on the waterfall. It is tough going, but the wall is up and looks good and is solidly foamed together. Now to get the small cascade right.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Weekly Report

Everything in front has gone except the campanulas. I hope they will last until the mums bloom.

Along the south the shrub althea looks great.

In the back the polish spirit clematis is blooming although the blooms are small. There is also a second bloom on the halls honey suckle. The roses have died again, it's time to trim and to fertilize. The big hostas are in bloom. The black eyed susans are blooming but they are much smaller than I think they should be. I hope moving them helps.

The peonies on the south side are still doing poorly. I am thinking we need to dig them up this fall and replant them in better soil. I thought it was lack of water, but we have watered them as much as the north side and they are still not doing well.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Plans for Next Year

I have decided that I need to move the black eyed susans to the south of the garage and the front of the house. They are lovely flowers but wasted where they are. We will take the lilies that I have planted and put them in the back yard where their subtle beauty can be enjoyed better.

Next year we will purchase a shrub althea for the back yard and try another kind of annuals for the small pots.

Weekly Report

Front: The camanulas are in bloom and the star gazer lilies although they are too short, which is probably because they were planted so late in the spring. The yellow lilies are also still in bloom

South: The shrub althea is in bloom. The cat mint is getting its second wind.

East: The large hostas are in bloom. The butterfly bush has one flower and so it goes as soon as Wayne has time to dig out. We will plant another shrub althea. The balloon flowers are still in bloom as are the black eyed susans. The snap dragons were not a good choice for the pots. We will try something else next year. The John Kennedy, Wild Blue Yonder and Julia Child roses are all in bloom. The Queen Elizabeth has no more blossoms, but I fertilized it again. I think the halls honey suckle is going to have a second bloom.

The fertilizer I put under the peonies south of the path has helped. While the top leaves are still yellow, the underneath ones are green.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Continued Hot Weather

The past two weeks have been unbearable. As a result we did little in the yard. I have not been able to walk around and check out the flowers. I think the stargazer lily in the front is now in bloom as well as the shrub althea on the south. The roses have bloomed again. The black eyes susans are also in bloom but not as tall as the usually get. Also the big hostas are in bloom.

The garden has produced more beans and cucumbers. We also have picked the first tomatoes of the season. We look to have a lot more harvest from it.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Extreme Heat

I have not been able to get outside at all for the past week. Wayne has carted the hose and watering devices around for much of the week, but I have stayed inside. Fortunately, the zinnia's in the window box have been a pure delight as they have grown very tall and have huge beautiful blooms on them. At least something has benefited by the heat.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Name: Hydrangea
Variety: Hydrangea macrophila Blushing Bride
Type: Perennial
Height: 3' x 3'
Color: White with a touch of pink
Light: Shade
Bloom Time: Early July

Purchased at the local nursery. We had a tough time getting these to establish. I purchased one the first year and then when it did well, the other two the next year. This year the first one has bloomed well. We still have not been able to get the other two to bloom.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Weekly Report

Front: The large yellow day lily is starting to bloom. The stella odoro lilies are still in bloom as are the campanulas and the daisies. The Star Gazer Lilies have small buds on them about ready to bloom. Nine of the 10 plants came up.

South: I haven't been out there for awhile. Guess I should check it out.

Back: The trumpet vine is in full bloom. We see the humming bird periodically. The clematis are still in bloom. I have two large blooms on one of my hygrangeas. The lamium are still in bloom as always. In the perennial garden the balloon flowers, the lavender, the astilbe are all in bloom. All four rose bushes have buds on them right now.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Weekly Report

Front: The daisies are blooming; as well as the campanulas, the stella odoro day lilies. The spirea need their summer trim now that the flowers have all expired.

The calla lily has 4 flowers. It has never had more than one bloom on it before. I LOVE the Miracle Grow bloom booster!!

South: The cat mint is in bloom. The Algarve lily is in bloom now as well. I love the pink flowers with the purple cat mint.

Back: The lavendar and astilbe are in bloom in the perennial patch. The laminum are still in bloom as are the honey suckle vines, the polish spirit clematis and the purple clematis and we have blooms on the trumpet vine. The humming bird is back.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Weekly Report

Front: The spirea are still in bloom. One stella o'doro day lily has bloomed and one campanula. The daisies have buds.

South: The cat mint are still in bloom but need to be trimmed. The Lollipop lily is in bloom.

Back: The polish prince clematis is still in bloom as is the purple star clematis. The Hals honey suckle vine is covered with yellow flowers. The Wild Blue Yonder rose has a couple of flowers left for its first bloom and there are two pink flowers on the QE rose. The pinks are still in bloom and so is the lamium.

I have two buds on the hydrangea. I think our routine of fertilization is working.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Two New Perennial Purchases

Name: Ruby's Tuesday Dianthus
Variety: Dianthus hybrida valda kitty
Color: red
Type: Perennial
Height: 12"
Sun: Full

We purchased this perennial at Lowe's. It came in a 2 quart bucket for about $3.00, which is a great buy. It has buds but is not in flower. However, you can never be certain when the flowers truly bud out because the green house always skews bloom time.

Name: Brass Buttons
Variety: Leptinella Squalida
Color: None
Type: Perennial
Height: 6"
Sun: Full

This is a ground cover that has a fern like look to it. It was copper colored with tinges of green and looked very interesting. It will be moved to the water fall eventually.

Both these plants were put on the south side for now. Actually that area is becoming over grown with plants ready to go onto the water fall as soon as it is finished. I hope we can get them moved this fall or in the spring. In the meantime it really looks great in those planting areas.

Friday, June 17, 2011


The design on the waterfall is in full gear. After having a pile of dirt for nearly 9 years and a hole in the ground for one, Wayne has sculpted the final hole, purchased many of the puzzle pieces. We even found a picture on how we want this to look (see above picture--ours will be shorter but wider; about from the grass forward). I am excited and now have an idea about how this is going to be.

We purchased a couple more flowers to go on it--a dianthus that has beautiful red flowers and a low growing plant that is fern like, but very interesting. We also purchased another tomato plant.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


This year we are trying a new regimen for the flowers and the roses. For the flowers we are using miracle grow liquid bloom booster once a week on the weekends. So far my hydrangeas have a bud coming, which is a great improvement over last year.

On the roses I am using insect spray in the blue bottle on the weekends and mid week the fungus spray in the white bottle. So far I have had fewer insects and no fungus or rust spot. However, only one of the rose bushes is doing well. I think the problem has been not enough water.


Yesterday the electrician came to install the outlet by the waterfall. He had to put the conduit down the front of the lattice, but I think we can live with that. We will need to hide it with the clematis. He managed to get it underground and past the landscape with only minor damage to the hydrangea. The lawn will need a little time to recover, but all in all he did a good job.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Weekly Report

Front: The spirea are in full bloom. Day lilies have buds.

South: Catmint are still in bloom. Lilies are growing tall

Back: The dogwood tree is in bloom with beautiful white star shaped flowers. Dark purple clematis are in bloom as well as the Polish prince clematis. The peonies are blooming. There are lovely white, pink and red blooms out there. The Wild Blue Yonder rose is blooming. Pinks are still in bloom and there was one oriental poppy flower that has since died. And lastly the Halls honeysuckle is in bloom.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Name: Peony
Variety: Paeonia Lactiflora 
Color: White and pink
Type: Perennial
Height: 3'
Light:  Full Sun
Fragrance:   Strong 
Bloom Time: Late May Early June
Location:   North East side of arbor

We brought the white ones from Saline. They harbored in Martin and Jessica's yard for several years and then a piece was transplanted here. I got the light pink ones from Duane Laws. It somehow survived the transplant and a miserable year, but it is growing nicely now.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Vegetable Garden

This week we finished planting the garden. We purchased tomato cages and only planted 12 of them. That still should be plenty. We also put up a new stake for the cucumbers. Last years worked fine but fell apart.

Along with 4 zuchini, 12 peppers, 12 tomatoes, 4 cucs, we also planted, 12 beans, 2 cantaloupe. We sprinkled insect killer around the beans and planted onions surrounding them. So far the bugs and the rabbits have left them alone. Perhaps neither one like onions.

We had cucs, tomatoes, cantaloups left over and gave them to the Gray family.

Dark Purple Iris

Name: Iris
Variety: Iris
Color: Dark Purple Flowers
Type: Perennial
Height: 3-4'
Sun: Full sun
Bloom Time: Late May

This root was a request from Martin and Jessica. They brought it last year from their garden in June. It struggled last year, but this year I have one beautiful bloom. They grow rapidly so I look forward to a lovely flower bed some day.


Name: Chives
Variety : Allium schoenoprasum
Type: Perennial Herb
Height: 18" to 2'
Light: Full sun
Flower Color: Lavender
Bloom Time: Early June
Location:  East of the water fall on the hill side

We have had these chives since we moved into the house. We purchased them at Colemans and our idea was to have chives to dry and eat, although we have done very little of that. On the other hand the poor plant was covered for a long time in vines and then grass until last year when I moved them and dug the grass out of them. I really didn't think they would make it and really didn't care because they are cheap to purchase. But they survived and this year they bloomed. We still look to cut some and eat them, but mostly they will go in our waterfall garden someday and look beautiful as they bloom in June.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I purchased three more mums at Sells Nursery. These are Garden Mum (Chyrsanthimum) called Tabitha Scarlet. There is no specs on the plant, but these had buds on them, which I cut off. I will keep the buds cut off until July. The instructions also said to mulch in winter. We'll try that and see if we can get them to survive the winter.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Weekly Report

Front: The weigela is in bloom. Everything else has faded.

South: The cat mint are in full bloom. The lavender flowers looks wonderful. I still need to trim back the tulip stems. My new purple iris has one bloom on it. Also the chives are in bloom.

Back: The polish prince clematis is in bloom; the iris are in bloom; the pinks are starting to bloom. The bridal spirea are still in bloom. The small new ones are blooming too.

We planted the zuchinni and peppers last night.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Annual Flower Purchase

We got up bright and early and went to both Pinter's and sell. At Pinter's we purchase

18 wave petunias in white and purple
12 regular petunias
12 yellow marigolds
8 white verbina
8 dusty miller
8 regular petunias
8 snap dragons
5 coleius
20 impatience
1 new guinea impatience
8 zinnias

12 bags of mulch

We purchased at Sells

3 mums for planing in the front. I'm still trying to get these to grow as a perennial
8 tomatoes
4 cherry tomatoes
8 cucs
4 cantaloupe
4 zucchini
2 packs of onions

We came home and we able to plant all the annuals in their pots except the verbina, because we need to paint those pots again. We had three flowers left over, but they were essentially free and we didn't really need them. We discovered that we had purchased way too many wave petunias. Only three will fit in one deck box and 4 in each hanging pot. So Wayne went to get the other box and we put it up on the diagonal part of the upper deck and filled it too. It was a great idea and we hope everything grows and looks great.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Last year we did not do any mulch and the yard really looks it. Many of the plants have grown past the point of needing mulch around them, but there are still areas, especially in front. Wayne decided we needed about 2 yards of mulch and so I did pricing. Turns out it is the same price as buying the bags, so we have started doing that instead. We can put it down as we need to rather than having to do it all in one day.

Last night we mulched around the large lilac tree and around the area adjacent to it. I also sprayed the roses in the back. I would like to spray the roses every Monday or Tuesday and the fertilize the flowers every Friday evening. If we can keep up that habit I am certain we will have good success with those flowers.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Weekly Walk About

In the front yard--lilacs are in full bloom; beautiful and fragrant. All the bulbs have faded, but the moss phlox are still in bloom. The newly planted white phlox are not looking good and probably need to be misted every day. We will need to do that.

On the south side the pastel tulips are fading, but the cat mint is starting to bloom. I will soon have iris in bloom and the deep purple one has a nice bud on it too. The day lilies we transplanted are not looking good, but still think they will make it.

In the back the bleeding heart is wonderful; the candy tuft is big and beautiful; and the columbine is starting to bloom. Also the laminum is in bloom again. The lilies of the valley we transplanted might make it as well. They are still struggling, but look hopeful.

The bridal spirea are starting to bloom. I'm surprised that it is this early, but they should peak the first of June.

The red bud tree is starting to fade. It has been beautiful.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Last night we purchased 5 more white campanulas and planted them today. Hopefully they will grow well. I also purchased 2 more coreopsis. I don't think the others made it. They grow well the first year so I am going to try not cutting them down when they die.

We purchased a new miracle grow system. This one is a weekly fertilizer for all the perennials. We treated everything but the planted newly lily bulbs that look pretty terrible right now. I look forward to seeing good results. I think this will be a good investment. I was not happy with my last disease treatment for the roses and so I purchased another kind. Hopefully this will work better.

The butterfly bush is still not in bloom.

Last night we put our chairs out under the red bud tree and enjoyed the flowers. Everything is so beautiful in the shade corner.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Planting Flowers

We were able to work only two days in the yard this week. However, the lawn got mowed on Monday and dethatched on Tuesday by 5 Star Landscape. He charged $75. Already it looks better. We still need to put fertilizer down and then spot patch some of the worst spots.

Yesterday we planted the John F. Kennedy rose and weeded, sprayed the other roses and mulched around them. I also fertilized the older roses. The area looks nice.

In the front we split up the two 1/4 flats of Snow Flake moss phlox into 12 pieces and planted them around the walkway lights. I think they will grow although they were in flower at the time.

I weeded my perrenial bed and cut back the lavender which is taking over everything. The correopsis has not come up. Although it did well last year, I am thinking that we have lost those plants.

There is still no sign of life on the butterfly bush. Because it has been so cold we still are hoping to see it bud as of yet.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

New Purchases

Friday we bought a tea rose--John F. Kennedy--although this one will only grow to be about 3' tall which is perfect. It's white although not fragrant. Still it should be lovely. We bought it at Meijers of all places for around $10. It's in great condition and should transplant nicely.

We also purchased 12 peppers with the idea of putting them in larger pots and letting them get a head start before we plant at the end of the month. We also purchased a flat of white moss phlox for planting around the front yard walkway likes.

The last thing we purchased was new walkway lights. These are metal in hopes that they will survive any bull whip episodes.

However, we haven't been able to get outside in the past few days--it has been cold and rainy.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Trade

Last night we dug up some of the iris and took it over to the Dunstuns for a trade. I got some of the lilies of the valley. Let's hope they grow.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Weekly Walk About

In the front: Daffodils are fading, pear trees are in bloom, moss phlox are starting to bloom, grape hyacinths are in bloom. Lilacs have big flower buds. Everything is up and growing. We need to plant lilies.

On the south: Tulips are blooming and everything is in bud or up and growing. The mother of thyme is thick and lovely. The chives have big buds.

In the back: The forsythia are still in bloom. The red bud tree is in bloom. The bleeding heart is in bloom. The candy tuft is starting to bloom. The burning bushes that had been chewed survived. Nearly everything is is showing green or buds.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Shape of the Lawn

Wayne mowed the lawn for the first time last night. The lawn is in the worse shape than I have ever seen it. We decided it was a build up of thatch, which prevents it from getting water and nutrients. We spent some time cleaning it up but it is going to take more work than we have time or energy. I'm on the look out for someone to dethatch it.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spring Has Come

Spring came really late this year. It's May 1st and only now are things really starting to bloom.

In the front yard the daffodils are still in bloom. The pear trees are now blooming along with the grape hyacinths. Other things are leafing out and flower buds are setting. It is a wonderland of growth.

Along the south side, the orange tulips are in bloom. The moss phlox are starting to bloom and everything else is growing. I was glad to see the new iris's up.

In the back only the forsythia is in full bloom.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Forsythia Are Blooming

Finally the forsythia are starting to bloom. Ours is a little behind some in the neighborhood, but still has bright yellow flowers on them. Thanks heavens for those and for the weeping willows. The grass is also greening but not entirely yet. Things are slowing becoming awake.

Monday, April 18, 2011


We had a snowfall this morning with a little accumulation. We hoped to take pictures of the daffodils in the snow, but it was melted by the afternoon. Spring time is about all kinds of weather.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


The daffodils on the north side of the front yard are in bloom. The south side are growing and have buds on them. Those are the ones that we moved from the south planter. It's so great to finally see something in bloom.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Discoveries In the Yard

We discovered that the rabbits have eaten the tops of the brand new burning bush. They are down to nubs. Hopefully the roots are good and they will grow back. However, because of this set back, we will have to exchange them with the larger ones so that they don't look so bad.

Wayne is out tonight picking up lights and putting them together, uncovering the rose bushes and untying the arborvitae on the north side of the deck. It was 80 degrees yesterday although much cooler today. Yesterday was bliss.

Friday, April 1, 2011

April 1st

We still don't have blooms yet on any flowers, but the daffodils are growing big and all of the ones we transplanted from the south are coming up. I look forward to their blooming.

The weather has been cold, but the highs are higher and the lows not as low so each day it is becomes more spring like. The sun is up sooner and I go to the pool in the light and come home in the light. Spring is wonderful.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Is Here

We did a walk about the yard on Wednesday. The temperatures were in the low 60s and it was wonderful. We still have a small patch of snow but for the most part it is gone.

Here is what is happening in the yard: The daffodils in front are coming up. There are buds on the lilac bushes. I can see small signs of the bleeding heart peeping through the dirt. The tulips on the south side of the garage are coming up as well.

Wayne clipped the cat mint to the ground. That should have been done last fall, but got missed. However, they are still very dormant so there was no problem in doing it now.