Sunday, September 29, 2013

Fall is Coming

Wayne fertilized the lawn this week.  It will be the last time.  The lawn was a little dried up with the warmer weather this week.

The burning bush are flaming red and so beautiful.  The ornamental grass is in seed and so pretty.  All the other plants have stopped flowering except the new white shrub althea.  It is still blooming away.

We still have zucchini growing in the garden and tomatoes are still ripening   We got a few peppers as well.

We are killing the trumpet vine.  Wayne has sprayed it numerous times and it is slowing dying.   We will need to pull it out before winter sets in.

Friday, September 6, 2013

New in the Garden

There was a surprise in the garden.  This is a Star Gazer Lily and really quite exotic.  However, I planted around 10, 5 came up but they all died but this one and it was a pathetic showing of one naked stem with one fabulous flower.  Maybe this is what they are supposed to be but after three years of trying, I am disappointed.  Perhaps they would grow better elsewhere, but I also tried in the front and had no success there.  I guess this is not meant to be, but for one short moment we had a surprise.