Saturday, April 27, 2013

Spring Has Arived

Today the temperatures are a lovely 60.  We were outside without jackets. 

Front:  All except one of the campanulas made it.  The white moss phlox around the lights are doing well.  The ones toward the east are bigger.   The day lilies are up as are the mums and daisies.  Wayne trimmed the dead off the mums.  Some of the lilies are up.

South:  The cat mint is up as are some of the lilies.  Lilies have been a disappointment.   The tulips are almost ready to bloom.

Back:  4 garden phlox made it.   All of the moss phlox are growing.  There are flowers on the periwinkle.   The lupine are growing too.  The bleeding heart is up as is the columbine and the candy tuft.  All of Rebecca's peonies are up.  The on the other side they are coming but slower,  I have to dig down to find the buds. 

There is new growth on the spirea, but I don't know if they are gong to survive this year. 

In the sun garden, the lavender is growing, the iris are up--including one of the new variety, but of the three kinds it is the only one that made it.   The oriental poppy is growing nicely as are the cheddar pinks.  There is one scabbioso that made it.  I don't know if any of the other plants will grow

Friday, April 26, 2013


Lots of things are coming up and looking like they are going to live again.  The daffodils are blooming although only one bunch really bloomed well.

In back the new hyacinths are blooming although they are a little disappointing and don't look like the picture on the package.  I love hyacinths but have never had success growing them.

The one bunch of crocuses in back are still in bloom also.  They were eaten by cut worms but are doing really well now.  Cut worms love crocuses unfortunately.