Monday, November 28, 2011

More Transplanting.

We've moved the purple iris to the waterfall as well as the ruby dianthus and some of the mother of thyme. We took the astilbe to Bowling Green as well as some black eyed susan. We also moved one of the hostas to the waterfall.

Other plants are lavendar iris, chives and garlic chives all moved to the waterfall. After all that we will see next spring what else we need to plant on the waterfall.

Last Saturday Wayne moved the small euonymous to the fence and the large euonymous to the south side of the gated arbor. They will look much better there and the smaller plants can grow in. It took him two tries to do it though as he moved the spirea instead of the euonymous.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


On Monday we planted the Star Gazers in the back yard perennial garden. We also moved a coreopsis to the waterfall and a chunk of cheddar pink dianthus. Then we moved the day lily on the south side to the waterfall. Wayne cut a chunk of the ornamental grass from the front of the house and put that in the waterfall area.

On Tuesday we moved one chunk of mother of thyme to the waterfall and two pieces of the moss phlox.

We had rain, but the weather has been very mild and really great for getting out and moving plants around.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fall Report

All the perennials have been taken down in the front except for the mums. They are still looking fairly good. We'll have to remove those later. The spirea are a wonderful orange. The pear trees are turning red and the barberry have turned scarlet. We dug up some daisies to take to Bowling Green and we dug up all the Star Gazer lilies to move to the back.

Along the north side the grass is still green so that hasn't been cut yet.

In back we dug up a chunk of bleeding heart for Bowling Green along with some candy tuft. We cut down the lily of the valley and dug up some of the columbine. We also dug up part of the large hosta that was too crowded. That will also go to Bowling Green.

From the sun perennial garden we moved the coreopsis to the waterfall and a chunk of the cheddar pink dianthus. We cut down the iris and dug a chunk out for Bowling Green.

The one real surprise of the day was the QE2 rose. It is still in bloom. Evidently, this bush has been bred for cool weather in the English country side. We have had many heavy frosts and still not only is it in leaf, but has wonderful pink blossoms. This was taken near mid day and you can see how far the sun is to the south by the long shadows. What a wonderful surprise!