Sunday, May 22, 2016

Garden Report

The front still looks wonderful with the moss phlox and the lilacs still in bloom.  And the spirea are still a beautiful orange tone.  

On the south the tulips are just fading.

In the back the lilies of the valley are blooming a little.  They have taken a long time to establish.   The bleeding heart and candy tuft are in bloom north of the deck.   By the water fall, the moss phlox are still in bloom and the iris is starting to bloom.  And the lamium blooms and blooms the whole year through.  

There are a lot of things with buds--the bridal spirea, the nine bark, the peony and the geranium in the perennial garden as well as the deep purple iris on the waterfall. There are also buds on the potentilla which is really weird because I didn't think it would bloom until July.

This year I'm looking to avoid killing the New Guinea again.  I sprayed it with the rose spray and it died.  I've found some natural soap sprays which I think I'll try.

We also have issues with the sprinkler system that need to be repaired.

New Purchases

At Sells we bought another Rozane Geranium for the other side of the roses, a Coral Bells called sweet tea which is an orange color and an Arizona Sun Gaillardia.   I wanted to plant the coral bells in front of the climbing hydrangea but discovered that whole area is our drainage system so we planted them on the hillside instead.   The Gaillardia we planted in the rocks by the moss phlox.  I hope they will survive the winter.  They are supposed to.  

At Lowes I got a small calalily called Pink Diamond.  It's small and likes shade, so I planted it in a pot and put it next to the impatiens. 

We also purchased all of our annuals for this year at Pinters and some at Meijers.  It was a huge job.  We got new things for nearly every pot.  I am trying tuberous begonias in the square planters on the deck.   And we picked up Martha Washington geraniums and a New Guinea.  I look forward to watching them bloom and grow.

We purchase all the garden plants and put them in yesterday.   We did 16 tomatoes, 12 peppers and 12 beans as well as zucchini and we hope this year the onions grow. 

Our irrigation system isn't working, though, and so we need desperately to get it fixed before we leave.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Dianthus and Snow in Summer

Name:  Dianthus Fruit Punch
Variety:  Dianthus fruit puType: Tuber

Type: Perennial ever green
Height: 12"
Sun: Full Sun
Flower color: magenta double blossom
Bloom Time: June?
Fragrance:  Yes
Location:  Perennial garden by the vegetable garden

Name:   Snow in Summer
Variety cerastium tomentosum
Type: perennial ground cover
Height: 6"
Sun: Full Sun
Flower color: white
Bloom Time: June
Fragrance:  No
Location:  Perennial garden by the vegetable garden

Garden Report

The front yard is the most beautiful this time of year with the lilacs in bloom, all the moss phlox in full bloom with the grape hyacinths and the golden spring leaves of the Goldflame spirea

In back there are moss phlox in bloom, candy tuft and bleeding heart.   The red bud tree is fading but has been spectacular.

Tasks Completed

Today we purchased a new rain gauge and two more perennials.  

We also planted the Ninebark, the Ajuga, the Dianthus Fruit punch cranberry cocktail, the Snow in Summer in the perennial garden, the three new Anabelle hydrangeas by the deck stairs, the Coral Bells Paris behind the Correopsis, the Althea Peppermint Smoothie by the garage.   We did it all in between rain storms.  We were cold and miserable but it got done. 

New Purchase Perennials

We purchase these two at Lowes.

Paris Coral Bells
By the Correopsis on the hill

Black Scallop Ajuga
Perennial Ground Cover
In front of the fancy Iris in the perennial garden

Friday, May 13, 2016

New Shrub and Perennial Purchase

We went to Plymouth Nursery on Wednesday and picked up some shrubs and flowers.

For the Perennial garden:
Snow In Summer:  1 gallon tub
    Cerastium tomentosum

 Dianthus Fruit Punch Cranberry Cocktail  1 gallon tub

South Side by garage:
Shrub Althea Peppermint Smoothie

NE property line:
Ninebark Coppertina

Deck Steps:
Hydrangea Annabelle--three large plants


Sunday, May 8, 2016

Garden Report

In the front yard the white moss phlox are spectacular

The grape hyacinths contrast against the moss phlox are lovely.

Candy tuft in the back yard has a life of it's own.   It just gets bigger every year.

We were concerned about the bleeding heart.  They were hard hit the year of the bad winter, but seem to be coming back again.
Other news in the back yard:  The red bud tree is gorgeous as are the moss phlox on the waterfall.  It's a lovely time to be outside.

Yesterday we put in all the fertilizer stakes.  It was a huge job, but it's done.   Now to get the weeding caught up and the water fall in operation.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Front Yard Garden Report

Wayne thatched the front lawn with the new thatcher.  It worked well and was easy to use.

In front the moss phlox are in bloom--both the white and the fuchsia.  It's amazing at how big that arborvitae has grown--the phlox under it are rather shrimpy now, but still blooming.

The grape hyacinth are also blooming.  The daffodils we planted are pretty much a no show now, but these are still growing despite the moss phlox growing around them.

The goldflame spirea have great spring foliage on them.  However, the two to the north of the porch are not doing very well.  We'll prune out the dead wood, but we probably need to replace them next year.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Garden Report

It has been too wet and cold to get outside to do anything.  

There are lots of things that are starting to bloom--red bud tree, crab apple tree, moss phlox. 

The orange tulips are fading.  This is an especially lovely time of year.

We have lots of weeding to do.