Sunday, July 5, 2015

Garden News

The front yard is looking wonderful.  We trimmed back the spirea and gave the barbary and the arborvitae a haircut.  That left the wonderful daisies to show off and a whole row of campanula.   They are just what we wanted.  The generic lilies are blooming as well.

In the back the clematis are gorgeous and the day lilies and coreopsis are still blooming.   The new roses are growing along with the other new plants.

New Purchase Hens and Chicks and Sedum

I have decided that the south side of the new potentilla would be an ideal spot for a succulent garden.   I wanted some variety, but couldn't find anything around here so I ordered these from Young's Garden Center.  They came last Wednesday and we put them in pots on Thursday.  The last was a free one, which was a nice bonus.

Andrenor Sempervivum
Zorba Sempervivum
Histoni Jovibarba hirta
Emily Sempervivum arachnoideum
Tiny Urchin Sedum 
Pacific Plum Fuzzy Sempervivum Plant