Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Moving Plants

It was cooler than on Monday (which turned a high of 71 degrees) but still nice enough to get outside.

Wayne moved the stubby spirea in front that was next to the weigela to the area with the bayberries by the two other spireas. We had a spirea die there last year and this one will fill in the space. We will replace it with a nice spirea from the store, which we hope to purchase on Saturday. The root system was rather shallow and so hopefully it will survive. It was still fairly dormant although the buds on the spirea are beginning to show. It rained during the night and the ground is still very wet.

Wayne moved the Hal's honey suckle vine to it's permanent location outside the arbor. We will train it up the side. Now it's a race to get the staining done before it starts to grow. The root system was fairly extensive and we had to cut a big root. However, these are fairly hardy plants and propagate easily so I am optimistic it will survive.

I did a some dead heading on the spirea and cut the asters to the ground. Wayne trimmed a couple long branches off the forsythia.

We discovered one crocus in bloom. It looks like more are coming.

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