Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Lots of Work

Last night Wayne mowed lawn and I planted more flowers. I did the big urns by the front door, park bench and the pots on the front steps. I still need to do the cala lilly. Next I planted the dianthus in small pots in the back. I had three extra so those went into the perennial beds in between the chedder pinks and the astilbe. They will be fine there until I can transplant the asters from the front.

I dragged the hose up the deck and thoroughly watered pots. Some plants were in distress--the hanging basket, the oriental poppy and the New Guinea impatiens. I washed off some chairs and tables but more cleaning needs to be done before it's set for the summer.

I also trimmed the veronicas a third . They get really leggy and do much better if they are trimmed.

After Wayne finished the lawn, we planted the red althea. It is healthy and hopefully will do well on the southeast corner of the garage. The soil is deep top soil and it will get plenty of sun, so it should.

The rose bush that had the water issues I was concerned about is leafing out already. The others have lots of new growth but no leaves yet. Maybe we should drown more of them.

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