Friday, August 27, 2010

Winding Down

The summer is winding down. We had cool weather this week and it was wonderful. Wayne had cleaned out the zucchini and the cucumbers. The peppers are doing great and we have loads of wonderful tomatoes. We still might have one more meal of beans. Last week we also had a meal with swiss chard. It has been so many years since we had some. I truly enjoyed it and we may get another meal as well.

The hydrangias never bloomed. I am not certain why because they are certainly healthy enough. I'll give them another year before I panic. The roses have made a slight recovery and have a few small blooms. Everything else is gone but the trumpet vines. I need to do more to have blooms in August.

We finally had a couple days with a beautiful moon. I beginning to wonder if two days in August is worth a moon garden.

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