Saturday, August 20, 2011

Weekly Report

In the front: The campanulas are in bloom. The spirea had a small second bloom and there are a few yellow day lilies.

On the south: the shrub althea is still in bloom. It's a wonderful summer bush

In the back: The trumpet vine continues to be a good bloomer, the blackeyed susans are in bloom, the hals honeysuckle had a second bloom as the did the polish spirit clematis. The roses are on their third bloom. Roses are such great bloomers. I think that I have saved the Julia Child, it is doing fine, but I am not certain about the QE2.

I think I have lost two peonies. These are hardy plants and the other side of the grass does really great. I am not certain what is wrong with them, but the ones on the south side of the grass path are dead.

We continue to work on the waterfall. It is tough going, but the wall is up and looks good and is solidly foamed together. Now to get the small cascade right.

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