Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Preparing for Roses

The roses came yesterday. I was really very excited. However, there were just 4 naked stems/roots in one plastic bag. They are tagged and there was a packing slip, but nothing about color or type. Yikes. I had to go to the web to find out what they were.
I got:
Floribunda--Moondance, white
Floribunda--Simply Marvelous, pink
Grandiflora--Southern Belle, yellow
Grandiflora--Wild Blue Yonder, deep fushia

I hope they look good together.

Wayne finished digging up the grass and putting down the edging on the south spot. Now both are ready for top soil and Miracle Grow garden soil. They will stay in the plastic bag until we can get dry enough weather to do this--not today and tomorrow Wayne has meetings. They will be ok in a cool dark spot, so hopefully they will make it until Monday because we might not get to them until then.

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